How to buy a vehicle insurance from the Gonsure
vehicle insurance,vehicle,insurance,car,Compare offers,insurance company offer,
How to buy a vehicle insurance policy online from the Gonsure platform To purchase a vehicle insurance policy against third parties or a comprehensive insurance, follow these steps: First: From the main page, complete the following information: - Choose the type of insurance (new insurance / or transfer of ownership) - Enter (identity / residence number) of the insurance applicant and (date of birth) - Enter the (serial number) of the vehicle to be insured. - Then press the search button Second: After that, the site will take you to the required additional information page On this page, you will be required to enter the following data: - The value of the vehicle required to be insured to obtain comprehensive insurance offers Choose the start date of the insurance. Choose the purpose of using the vehicle
On this page, you can add any other information for the car or the vehicle owner through the option (additional vehicle information). In addition to the possibility of adding an additional driver to the vehicle in the same insurance policy. - Then press (Compare offers) Third: After that, the site will transfer you to the page of offers of insurance companies to compare and choose the appropriate insurance for you after you register an account for you on the site. Fourth: After choosing the appropriate insurance company offer for you, the site will transfer you to the transaction summary page, and on this page the site will ask you to enter your bank account number (IBAN) and choose the payment method. Mada - Visa - MasterCard - SADAD Fifth: After payment, the site will issue the insurance policy immediately and send it via your e-mail, and send the policy information to traffic to update it. The site also provides you with the ability to view and download the insurance policy and payment receipt.