Diverse articles focusing on insurance, the latest innovations, and products in insurance technology.

why national address is important for insurance
Have you ever wondered what a national address is? And what is its importance? What are the effects of not obtaining a national address when insuring vehicles? These and other questions will be answered in this article

How do I get the cheapest car insurance rate?

Important factors to know when purchasing vehicle
Latest Articles

When is a car considered a total loss (damaged)?
In this article, we will learn when the car is considered a total loss (damaged) and the value and limits of compensation

Comprehensive insurance cover the Gulf countries?
A comprehensive look at comprehensive insurance, including the geographical boundaries of comprehensive insurance, and whether it includes the GCC countries or not..

Comprehensive insurance and when it falls?
Learn about cases that are not covered by comprehensive motor insurance

look at the insurance market in the saudi arabia
In this article, we will take an overview of part of the insurance markets between 2017 and 2018 in Saudi Arabia

When pay the deductible in comprehensive insurance
What is meant by the deductible value in comprehensive vehicle insurance? And what are the cases in which the insurer pays the deductible percentage? We will learn about all this in this article

List of car’s Insurance Companies in saudi arabia
Names, numbers and addresses of insurance companies licensed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia